
IdentITÀ is a series of pocketbooks that bring to life the stories and experiences of esteemed members of our community, celebrating its traditions while also capturing the spirit of Italian entrepreneurship and presenting an exciting vision for the future.

IdentITÀ becomes the key element for the interpretation of the past and the development of future actions. In a nation where we all have arrived, a nation where hundreds of thousands of people arrive every year, we want to know how the old and the new meet, where they meet and how they change.

IdentITÀ features conversations with Canadian Italian leaders from our community, from political figures to the next generation of Italian origin.

“Today, there is not a more challenging word than identità. We lose it and we are nobody, and even when we think we own it, are we really sure of who we are? This is the big question of the last century. Who are we? People that have left their country to live in another seem to be challenged more frequently and in a stronger fashion by the concept of identity, and this series of books wants to bring some clarity and attention to the biggest challenge society is facing today”

– Corrado Paina, Executive Director of ICCO Canada.

Identita-Volume 1

Vol. 1 - A conversation with Con Di Nino

For more than six decades, Con Di Nino held responsible senior executive positions in a variety of businesses, community organizations, and the public sector. His involvement in these areas substantially contributed to the success of two Ontario trust companies and several charitable and not-for-profit organizations. In addition, in his capacity as a member of the Canadian Senate, he has influenced public policy on many issues.

Identita-Volume 2

Vol. 2 - A conversation with Carys Massarella

Dr. Carys Massarella speaks widely on transgender issues and is a leader in transgender health care in Canada. She was recently named by Maclean’s magazine as one of 50 Canadians who are breaking ground, leading the debate, and shaping how we think and live. She has received numerous awards, including Teacher of the Year in Emergency Medicine at McMaster, as well as receiving the Sister Joan Sullivan award, the highest award for a physician at St. Joseph’s Healthcare, given to the physician who best represents the values of the hospital. In 2017, she received the YWCA Hamilton’s Women of Distinction Award in Health. Her goal is to provide high-quality, gender-affirming health care for all Canadians, regardless of where they live.

Flavio Volpe

Vol. 3 - A conversation with Flavio Volpe

Flavio Volpe is an internationally recognized champion of Canada’s automotive industry. Since 2014, he has proudly led the APMA, representing 200+ suppliers to the worldwide automotive industry. A passionate technology leader, his response to the Prime Minister’s challenge for a net-zero economy by 2050 was to launch an all-Canadian, zero-emissions, autonomous concept prototype, Project Arrow. Described by the Globe and Mail as ‘an audacious play to build an all-Canadian electric car’, Project Arrow was revealed at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to global coverage & serves as a premier showcase of Canada’s automotive technology cluster.


Vol. 4 - A conversation with Franco Prevedello

An entrepreneur in every sense of the word, Franco Prevedello’s name is synonymous with success in the restaurant business.  Over the last two decades, Franco helped found a string of successful restaurant ventures in Toronto, including Splendido, Biffi, Pronto, Centro, Terra, Acqua, and most recently, Nota Bene. On top of keeping an active hand in the restaurant business. His dedication to his industry is further illustrated by his seat on the Board of Directors for the Stratford Chef School, past Director for GBC college, past President of the GRI, and recognition by way of numerous industry awards, including the prestigious Gold Award Franco received at the Gala Italia in New York.

Frank Iacobucci

Vol. 5 - A conversation with Frank Iacobucci

Frank Iacobucci is a former Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada from 1991 until his retirement from the bench in 2004. He was the first Italian-Canadian, allophone judge on the court, he was also the first judge on the Supreme Court to have been born, raised and educated in British Columbia. Iacobucci has had a distinguished career in private practice, academia, the civil service and the judiciary. Before his elevation to the nation’s top court, he was a tenured law professor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law for eighteen years and was appointed dean of the faculty in 1979.
As a former private corporate lawyer, he is considered a business and tax law expert. He currently serves as senior counsel at the business law firm Torys LLP.

Identita - Upcoming Volume

Vol. 6 - A conversation with Christina Giannone

Christina Giannone is the Vice President, Planning and Development for the Port Credit West Village Partners. In this role, she is co-leading the redevelopment of a 72-acre site in Port Credit, Mississauga, into the award-winning, mixed-use, complete community known as Brightwater. She is a member of the Building Industry and Land Development Association and of the Schulich Real Property Alumni Association.  She was also selected as a member of the Championship Team for the Women’s Leadership Initiative of the Urban Land Institute.


Corrado Paina

Corrado Paina

Corrado Paina is the Executive Director of ICCO Canada.  He has been the editor-in-chief of the magazine Partners for several years and as a publisher of the ICCO Canada has produced 5 books and one documentary.

A publisher of several editorial projects on the community and the mentor of many business and cultural transactions in Canada, Corrado Paina is also an accomplished writer with several publications in Italy and in Canada.

Interview & Proof-Reading Team

eleonora andretta

Eleonora Andretta

Eleonora Andretta is a certified Life, Business, and Executive Coach. Alongside her coaching activity, she works as a professional interpreter and translator, and an instructor of English for Academic Purposes at George Brown College.

salvatore difalco

Salvatore Difalco

Sicilian Canadian writer Salvatore Difalco is the author of five books, including Black Rabbit & Other Stories (Anvil Press), and numerous articles, essays and interviews. He lives in Toronto.


Cost of 1 book: $12 + HST + delivery fee

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“Volume 5: A Conversation with Hon. Frank Iacobucci” Book Launch

July 9th, 2024 @ Columbus Centre

“Volume 4: A Conversation with Franco Prevedello” Book Launch

May 2024

“Volume 3: A Conversation with Flavio Volpe” Book Launch

March 5, 2024 @ Columbus Centre

“Volume 2: A Conversation with Dr. Carys Massarella” Book Launch

October 2023

“Volume 1: A Conversation with Con Di Nino” Book Launch

May 29th, 2023 @ Columbus Centre