Page 41 - 2020 ICCO Canada Pentola d'Oro - Under the Stars
P. 41

“As has been the case with           “We enforced the changes quite early on,” noted Longo. “Safety was always
                                             top of mind.”
        other businesses, it has             In addition to implementing safety measures around cleanliness, disinfecting,
        been a very challenging              masks and social distancing, that’s also meant transforming various areas in the

        year, but we are extremely           store with health protocols as the guiding principle.
        proud of our teams,” said            “Our hot and cold bars have changed to full-service,” explains Longo. “Some of
                                             the specialty Longo services like the deli meats, bakery and prepared foods
        Longo, who is an ICCO                sections are slowly resuming to normalcy with the addition of plexiglass and full
                                             PPE requirements.”
        Canada Board Member.                 While the experience has no doubt been demanding, Longo points out that it’s

        “I feel we’ve adapted                also had some positive results. Longo, who said the retailer has always put its
                                             team members first, said that philosophy was more important than ever before.
        very well to                         “We’re a family-run business. Putting our team members first is really important

        the situation.”                      in terms of having them feel respected, heard and valued.”

        When  the  pandemic  became  a       In terms of trends, Longo has noticed the online grocery sector has grown
        reality several months ago, Longo    exponentially and will continue to grow in importance as guests adjust to new
        and her team set up committees       working from home realities. Also, she’s noticed that more people are cooking
        comprising staff and management.     at home, sometimes even creating some staples from scratch, such as dough for
        The committees, which initially met   bread and pizza.
        daily  and  are  still  in  place  now,   When it comes to the selling and distribution of Made-in-Italy products, Longo
        focused on communication and         said interest has been higher than ever. “There’s an appetite for great food,” she
        preparation.                         said. “And Italy produces a lot of wonderful products. We support by carrying

        As new pandemic information and      a wide assortment of authentic Made-In-Italy products in stores and online at
        protocols emerged, they were able”
        to respond and adapt quickly. As     So, what does the future hold for the food sector?
        always, the priority was the well-
        being of team members and guests.    “We’re still learning what the new normal looks like,” explained Longo. “The
                                             whole retail sector has changed indefinitely, however, we are confident we can
        “Everyone had a voice,” said Longo.   create remarkable food experiences by putting Family Standards at the heart
        “We were open and transparent to     of everything we do.”
        our team and guests. We weren’t
        doing things in isolation; we were in   She added that proactive safety measures will remain in place for the
        line with what they wanted to see    foreseeable future, and that Longo’s will continue to adapt based on
        occur.”                              recommendations from government agencies as well as industry bodies.

        Moreover, the committees provided    “There has been a silver lining, though. We now know we can react to situations
        team members with an opportunity     quickly and adapt as needed.”
        to voice their opinions, concerns and
        as a platform to suggest what they

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