Page 17 - 2020 ICCO Canada Pentola d'Oro - Under the Stars
P. 17

Corrado Paina: “In terms of your     house? 100 Euros?” and then respond, “I’ll give you 50 in cash.” And the Italians
        clients and colleagues, what should   would sell it.
        they do to fight Covid-19 in the sector   So, in the end, we would find ourselves with no properties of our own, and
        of investments?
                                             everything would be transformed into those cities with huge hotels to exploit
        Should they continue investing?      tourism.
        Should they risk their money? In Italy,
        people are investing in bricks and   Laws are important, and investments from outside Italy are important, but so are
        mortar (buying properties).          investments from Italians.  In fact, this economist was saying that Italians are
                                             among the people who save the most. The problem is that the majority of the
        What are your plans in the future?”  time they put their money into foreign banks.
        Cristina Bowerman: “This morning I   He was saying that issuing laws that will make palatable for outside of Italy and
        was listening to an interview of an   Italian investors to take money from those banks and put them on the Italian
        economist who was stressing exactly   market would be necessary to relaunch the Italian economy.
        this, saying that one of the ways to   CP: “Attracting investments is essential; it’s one of the most important elements
        relaunch the Italian economy is to   for economic recovery.
        attract investments.
        But if you don’t issue laws that allow   What are you doing in that sense?  Are you investing in the sector?”
        you to be palatable to outside       CB: “On February 1, I bought a house and a restaurant. Twenty-three days later
        investments, you may still have foreign   I found myself in lockdown.
        investments,  but  not  the  ones  you
        want. You will have, for instance, the   If you’re talking about investing in terms of improving a business, yes, I made
        Chinese market that has rooted itself   some investment, but very small, because, as I told you, I just bought the
        in the economy by buying everything   restaurant. We do whatever is necessary – the minimum investment to keep
        that came on site. You have to make   going.
        things palatable for outside investors.   Something that I started before Covid-19, but that is becoming concrete now, is
        Second, you have to invest in the    that I’m opening a Glass Hostaria in China, and I’m also creating a fresh pasta
        relaunching of manufacturing in Italy.   and sauces business in my name that will be launched on e-commerce in Turkey.
        We are a country built on the tertiary   In Xian, China, we’re set to open Glass Hostaria on November 27, although there
        sector, which provides services, but   is a lot of confusion now. Just this morning we received the VISAs, but there are
        we don’t manufacture anymore.        major examinations to be conducted, and China requires a total of 28 days of

        We used to have FIAT, now it’s not   quarantine before you can set foot there. But I’m very happy because this project
        here anymore. We need to push on     that I’ve been pursuing since last November is taking place.
        that pedal. The economist was saying   This gives hope. What I’m saying is that the fact that a country like China,
        that if we don’t launch,  or even    Australia, Taiwan, or Canada, is going back to regular life, tells us that there’s
        propose, any law that would make,    light at the end of the tunnel.
        say, billionaires from the U.S. invest in
        Italy, they would never do it on their   So we need to keep pursuing our plans and taking inspiration from those who
        own.                                 have correctly responded to Covid-19. And we know for certain
                                             that China and Taiwan did that. We need to learn from them.
        The only thing they would do is to
        come here and ask, “How much is this

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