Page 21 - 2020 ICCO Canada Pentola d'Oro - Under the Stars
P. 21


                                                                 Lady York Foods
           Like any member of a family business,

          Gabriele Torchetti began his career at a
             young age. His humble beginnings in

                the Food Retail Industry initiated
                   with his store greeter role, which

          involved manually opening and closing                As the years went on his role evolved at
                                                               Lady York Foods, from stocking shelves to
                the door for customers. This taught            customer service, and even making home deliveries.

           Gabriele the importance of interacting              Gabriele quickly learned the keys to success are
                                        with customers.        customers, and that going above and beyond for
                                                               them will always yield a positive return.
        Fast forward 30 years, and you will see Gabriele walking the aisles of Lady York Foods, greeting visitors and
        discussing the latest news. He never turns away a customer who has a question or suggestion about a particular
        product or the store. Gabriele always welcomes opinions and does his best to please all those who enter Lady
        York Foods.
        Alongside his attention to customer service, Gabriele’s success in the Food Retail Industry is due to his commitment
        to product excellence. He personally researches products in Italy before the store imports them, takes part in plant
        production tours and meets with new, local vendors at trade shows. In addition to being committed to carrying
        the best quality product for his customers, he is continually evolving with society. As the needs of his customers   PENTOLA D’ORO AWARD
        change, Gabriele ensures that Lady York adapts as well, such as offering organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan,
        and dairy-free products.

        Within the surrounding community, Gabriele is known for his generosity. Neighbouring schools, churches,
        community centres and charities turn to Gabriele for assistance with their fundraising endeavours. As the Vice
        Chair of the MarkeTo District BIA, Gabriele helps spearhead community charitable fundraising initiatives, such as
        the Fall Food Drive.

        Gabriele Torchetti’s lifetime dedication and commitment to excellence in the Food Retail Industry is what has
        distinguished him as an industry leader.

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